Wawonii Timur Laut Subdistrict in Figures 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Konawe Kepulauan Regency

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Wawonii Timur Laut Subdistrict in Figures 2023

Catalog Number : 1102001.7412030
Publication Number : 74120.2310
ISSN/ISBN : 2745-4894
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : September 26, 2023
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 11.3 MB


The book of Wawonii Timur Laut Subdistrict in Figures 2023 is an annual publication issued by the Subdistrict and Statistical Coordinator of Subdistric as a planning, policy-making, decisions, projections, and evaluation of construction materials in this area.Presentation tabel in the book is structured in such a way that easy to read, easy to understand, and aesy to use to be able to draw conclusions.Publications in 2023 contains some changes to the data, addition and simplification tabels for easy comparison of Wawonii Timur Laut Subdistrict. Other than that contained in this publication is also the subject tabels of the previous year.
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